Investing financial resources to help children survive and develop to their full potential is, first and foremost, a moral imperative. [UNICEF]
Efforts to Help Children in Highgate
Our efforts in Highgate, whether to help our children, create jobs or help the needy are all tied together; helping people to help themselves. But helping our children is most critical.
Think about it, offering our children a happy, healthy and educated childhood must lead to a stable, sustainable community that, one day, will not need our help.
Past Days
Dream back to the days when you were held, rocked, tickled by a loving parent, relative or guardian. Those days when you began to run, jump, climb and play hide and seek. When you began playing dolly house and jacks; flying kites, shooting birds and learning to swim.
Remember when you first went to school?
The sweet sadness of the last day at school before those long hot summer holidays?
Remember the days when you sat your exams and excitedly await the results allowing you to graduate and getting ready for your first job or entrance to your chosen college?
Those were the days!
Current Times
Today, in Highgate, many of our children no longer have the pleasure or privilege of your experience. Unattached family relationships, poverty, hunger and lack of educational opportunity, crime and violence forces them to stay at home or get involved in petty disturbances and crime.
Like you, many are “Bright” high IQ children with potentially a productive future. They live in the digital age where the computer and cell phones replace dolls, kites and gigs. But many have no computers or phones, no food or clothes, no closely attached family relationship and no means of attending school regularly; they need our help!
Our Goal
Our ultimate goal is not just to feed or educate our children but to remediate the current state of affairs by helping to foster loving and attached family relationships, providing scholarships and funds to give them the opportunity to attend and stay in school and removing as many of the causes that make them vulnerable.