Jannett (Jan) Matthews: “Children born into poverty have little or no control over their health, education, quality of life and future. No one selects their parents and even so, circumstances determine the plight of both parents and children. It seems to me that if our circumstance is one in which we can stretch a hand to help a less fortunate human being, it is not just the right thing; the kind thing to do but our civic duty, especially when they are children”. Vice President Jannett Matthews finished speaking amidst a thunderous round of applause at a meeting.
Jan is a daughter of Highgate who attended St. Mary High School in its early years before migrating to England. She moved to the United States of America in 1984 and became a member of the United Friends of Highgate (UFOH) in 2007. Since joining the organization she has worn many hats from Chair of Fundraising to spokesperson and member of the Board of Directors.
She retired as a corporate executive in 2008 and has since dedicated her life to charity. Her dedication to serving the poor and disenfranchised led to a full-time commitment to the church where her daughter and son-in-law are the pastors, as well as service to Highgate through UFOH. You can find Jan either at the church, involved in some project through UFOH, or supporting local community events
Jan’s desire for Highgate is to see it flourishing once more, with the hustle and bustle of the local market and other businesses; for it to be the prototype for other towns and cities to emulate.