Franz Thame is a founding member if the United Friends of Highgate. He has been a vigilant overseer of the organization’s funds and an excellent assistant to the Treasurer. Franz believes in fiscal responsibility and has been relentless in seeking funds to support UFOH’s mission whether it be sponsorship, personal contribution or membership dues.
“My involvement in the United Friends of Highgate is labor of love. But this is not unique at all and I can say with no fear of contradiction that all our members give of themselves unselfishly and enjoy giving because it is a labor of love. We started this all-volunteer organization with membership dues of $120 per year; it has not changed since.
“Out of our pockets we registered UFOH and launched our first fundraising venture. Its financial successful enabled us to launch another and many other fundraisers since; all has been successful so far. Yet we have never used a cent for administrative purposes or any other purpose other than to keep our promise regarding our mission. Now, after ten years, we have established our organization as a credible institution dedicated to the welfare of the needy and disenfranchised in our beloved hometown. It is a privilege to be involved with United Friends of Highgate, an organization that shows not only what we can achieve individually, but also how much we can accomplish as a community when we support each other.”
Franz joined United Friends of Highgate in 2007. He has an extensive background in business administration, having held a number of senior executive positions in the private sector as well as with government, including 25 years with Dade County. Franz has a BS in Business Administration from Florida International University.